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Interactive and Engaging Elementary General Music Lessons



Imagine having music lessons for the entire school year for the elementary general music classroom?

Keep reading to find out how you can have interactive and engaging elementary general music lessons and materials for the whole school year.


With the Year Long Music Lesson Bundle of Bundles, you’ll have a scope and sequence of K-6 Lesson materials to build a curriculum or embellish your existing curriculum and general music lessons.

Just think, you can get all of these lessons and download them anytime, get the new updated materials for free, use them for your entire career as a music teacher!

Music lessons, songs, games, activities are centered on the National standards around holiday/seasonal themes.

Every monthly bundle includes video and audio files along with worksheets.

This bundle has the materials for lessons, movement, and music programs.

Materials are based on both Orff and Kodaly methodologies!

The planning pages help coordinate your entire year’s curriculum using the standards based scope and sequence.

Each monthly music lesson bundle includes general music lessons  materials for Kindergarten through sixth (6th) .


The year long music lesson bundle includes lessons and activities based on the Core Elements of Music and the National Music Standards.

Each music lesson provides learning opportunities to CREATE, RESPOND, PERFORM, and CONNECT.

The Sing Play Create Scope and Sequence provides a basic music curriculum for grades K-6. (It does NOT cover every music standard for all grades)

Sing Play Create offers supporting general music lessons & materials for a complete music curriculum.

The music lessons incorporate and compliment Kodaly, Orff and other music learning methodologies.

The Teacher Guide includes a scope and sequence with lesson materials to support the learning goals.

All music lessons have audio files and many now have teaching videos! (more are being added all the time)

You’ll be able to use the lesson, weekly, monthly, and yearly planning organizers to sequence and coordinate the lesson in your current curriculum.


Each monthly bundle has general music lessons & activities that support the school year themes, seasons and holidays.

Not only can you teach music concepts, but you can teach the same concepts throughout the school year because the lessons will all be different.

Students will love tapping the beat all year long!

You’ll be able to streamline your teaching too. Many of the lessons can be used across grade levels.

You’ll be able to teach beat, rhythm and syncopation to different grades using the same materials.

*This bundle is HUGE! 65 PRODUCTS! You will download each resource separately.

You can come back and download your files as often as you need them!

You’ll get all of the updated materials that are now being created.

You’ll get additional resources that will be added to this bundle.


Consider using the Orff arrangements for your music concerts. Students can showcase their best work in their performances.

Use the video lessons for your online teaching and sub lessons. Substitutes will appreciate having the audio and video files!

Upload the presentations in google slides for students to use.

There are tons of worksheets for each month of the school year.

Music Lesson Year Long Bundle: Songs, Games, Activities, Worksheets, Mp3's K-6












(Editable) Teacher Planning Pages:

  • Scope and sequence with supporting materials for grades K-6
  • List of all Materials by monthly bundle and teaching concepts
  • Music Teacher Materials list and table
  • Table of Resources and Concepts for Each Monthly Bundle
  • National Arts Standards
  • National Arts Standards I CAN statements.
  • Music Standards Scope and Sequence Fill in Chart by Grade
  • Sequence and Scope Grade Level Organizer
  • Quarter Planning by Grade
  • Monthly Planning by Grade
  • Monthly Planner- all Grades
  • Weekly Planner by Grade
  • Weekly Planning All Grades
  • Music Lesson Plan Templates

Get the resource here:  Music Teacher Curriculum Lessons, Songs, Games, Activities Year Long K-6 BUNDLE

Here is the list of songs, lessons and activities that are in the Year Long Music Lesson Bundle.

1.     “Apple Tree” Game Song (So-mi)
2.     “Apple Tree” Game Song(so-mi-la)
3.     Music Class Rhythm Game & Chant: “Get To Know Ya” Level 1
4.     Back To School “Hello” Song With Game And Lesson
5.     Concert Manners Poem
6.     Choral Song : “Come Along and Sing With Me”
7.    Body Percussion Activities and Music Lessons
8   Music Class Rhythm Game & Chant “Get to Know Ya” Level 2
9.     “Leaves Are Falling All Around” Music Lessons
10.  Fall Vocal Explorations
11.  “Five Little Acorns” Music Lessons
12. “I Had a Dog” and “Doggie, Doggie” Where’s Your Bone?” Music Lesson
13. Pirate Rhythm Chants and Activities
14. “Boo Hoo” Rhythm Chant and Game
15. Fall and Halloween Listening Activities
16. “Halloween Brain Breaks”
17. “Halloween Rhythm And Composition Activities”
18. “Skin and Bones” Music Lesson
19. “Old Mother Witch” Music Lesson
20. “Pumpkin, Pumpkin” Music Lesson
21. “The Black Cat” Music Lesson
22. Vocal Explorations With Monsters
23. Patriotic Song and Music Lesson “We Remember Veterans”
24. “Turkey,Turkey”-Orff and Kodaly Game Song
25. ”I’ve Got the Turkey Blues-Song for Guitar
26. Turkey Vocal Explorations
27. ”We Are Thankful” Thanksgiving Song
28. “November, November” Kodaly Song and Music Lesson
29. November Composing Activities K-6 No Prep
30. Holiday Vocal Explorations
31. “Christmas is a Time for Caring” Holiday Song
32. “December Lights” Song for xylophone, recorder, guitar, keyboards-Choir
33. “I Have a Little Dreidle” Music Lesson
34. “Jolly Old St. Nicholas” Kodaly and Orff Music Lesson
35. Holiday Music Class Worksheets
36. “New Year, New Year” Music Lesson
37. “Snowman, Snowman” Music Lesson
38. “January, January” Music Lesson
39. “Hey, Mr. Snowman” Movement Activity
40. “Frosty Weather” Music Lesson
41. Winter Vocal Explorations With Penguins
42. “Valentine Candy” Music Lesson
43. “Valentine’s Day” Music Lesson
44. President’s Day Coin Rap Music Lesson
45. February Vocal Explorations
46. February Music Class Worksheets (K-6)
47. “Pass The Valentine” Game Song And Music Lesson
48. “Who Will Catch the Leprechaun” Game/Dance
49. March Rhythm Shuffle Chant Music Lesson with Rhythm Game and Dance
50. March Music  Class Worksheets
51. “March is Music Month” Orff Song and Music Lesson
52. Rhythm and Music Symbol Game “Don’t Steal My Gold”
53. “Where’s The Easter Egg?” Game Song And Music Lesson
54. “If You Buy A Pepperoni Pizza“ Music Lesson
55. “Let’s Plant A Garden” Orff Game Song And Music Lesson
56. “Shake Your Egg!” Activity Song For
57. April Music Class Worksheets
58. “Earth Day Is A Special Day” Song And Music Lesson
59. Garden Vocal Explorations
60. May Music Class Worksheets
61. “May Flowers” Song and Game with Orff and Kodaly Music Lessons
62. Buggy Vocal Explorations and Game
63. “Ten Little Bunnies” Activity Song with Rhythm, Drama and Puppet
64. Music Lesson: “Dragonfly“
65. Choral Song: Be a Point of Light”
66. Leprechaun Vocal Explorations

Consider purchasing the Year Long Music Lesson Bundle for your Music Classroom or School.

That way you’ll have a scope and sequence of K-6 Lesson materials to build a curriculum or embellish your existing curriculum with Interactive and Engaging Elementary General Music Lessons.





Music Lesson Year Long Bundle: Songs, Games, Activities, Worksheets, Mp3's K-6

Music Lesson Year Long Bundle: Songs, Games, Activities, Worksheets, Mp3’s K-6


Music Class Essentials + BTS Bundle: Songs,Chants,Games, Mp3's, Decor, Lessons

Music Class Essentials + BTS Bundle: Songs,Chants,Games, Mp3’s, Decor, Lessons

Basic Teacher Kit plus the Back to School Music Lesson Bundle.

Music Class Essentials Basic Songs, Activities, Games, Chants, Rules & Mp3's









Basic teaching starter kit with songs, games, chants for the general music classroom.

Music Class Essentials BUNDLE: Songs, Activities, Games, Chants, Planner, Decor









The MUSIC CLASS ESSENTIALS BUNDLE provides the basic songs, chants, activities, games, classroom management and decor for the Elementary Music Teacher. The original songs, games, chants, planner and décor provide the essentials that every music teacher needs to create a foundation for a successful music classroom. Whether you need to establish or embellish your music classroom, you’ll find that the music class essentials basic is the answer to your next school year success. The Video and Audio files make teaching songs and games easy! Make your classroom a place where students sing and move to music throughout the class time. Perfect for K-6 General Music Classrooms.


  • Music Class Essentials Teacher Packet of Songs, Chants, Games, Sheet Music and Rules
  • Music Class Essentials Presentation/Posters Songs, Chants, Games, Rules Posters
  • Music Class Décor Music Class Posters and Flash Cards
  • Solfege Posters and Games
  • First Week Activities with Lesson Planners and Name Tags
  • Music Teacher Essentials Complete Planner
  • Music Mp3 Files
  • Video Files
  • Hello Song Teaching Presentations, PDF, Mp3 and Video Sing a Longs
  • Johnny Plays the Drum Beat Video Activity
  • Music Standards, I Can’s and Bulletin Board Decor Resource










The MUSIC CLASS ESSENTIALS AND YEAR LONG MUSIC LESSON BUNDLES provide an interactive music curriculum with basic songs, chants, activities, games, classroom management and decor for the Elementary Music Teacher. The original and traditional songs, games, chants, planner and décor provide the essentials that every music teacher needs to create a foundation for a successful music classroom.

The Year Long Music Lesson Bundle of Bundles provides materials for each month in the school year. You can use it with your existing curriculum, or kick-start one with the concept based music lessons, songs, games, activities centered on themes throughout the school year.

Whether you need to establish or embellish your music classroom, you’ll find that the Music Class Essentials Bundle and Year Long Music Lesson Bundle can provide an interactive and music standards based music curriculum.



Sandra from Sing Play Create






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Meet Sandra

Hi there!  I’m Sandra, one of the authors behind Sing Play Create.  My goal is to provide teachers with interactive resources and activities to improve the effectiveness of their teaching and enhance student learning.

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