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Music lesson tips for November music class.

Terrific Tips for Interactive November Music Class Lessons



November is a fun month in music class. In this post I’m sharing terrific tips for interactive November music class lessons and planning. 

Keep reading to get the FREE PLANNER!

TERRIFIC TIP #1 Planning December Lessons Now


December is a short month.

December is a speedy month.

December is a crazy month.

You most likely have concerts (I do) and don’t want to worry about lessons. So I’ve learned to get those December lessons ready before Veteran’s Day!

I know it’s hard to plan ahead when you are just beginning. So try to choose at least one core lesson for each grade level to use during the 2-3 weeks of December.

Here’s the terrific tip! After you choose those core lessons, you can add in some creative movement, instrument playing and games that are easy to adapt to more than one grade level.  That way you can focus reinforcing skills and not trying to learn new ones.

Be sure to use the same lessons the next year! That way you can modify and build your own teaching skills instead of learning new material.

Save that for January!

Here’s an effective November Music Lesson that can help you carry skills into December.

The FIVE FAT TURKEY’S MUSIC LESSON includes all of those concepts. (LINK GOES TO TpT)

five fat turkey music lesson


Activities like this one help prepare students for concerts and playing instruments together.

November Steady Beat and Rhythm Activities

December will be a great time for my students to play so-mi on xylophones using some of my holiday materials.

“I Have a Little Dreidel”

Music Lesson "I Have a Little Dreidel" Kodaly, Orff, Guitar, Dreidel Game


Another terrific tip is to use December lessons as a formative and summative assessment time. If you’ve focused on teaching solfege- then have students creating, practicing and performing those skills in December. 

If you’ve been focusing on playing so-mi-la or reading notes on the staff- then use those conceptual ideas as the basis for what you’ll do in December.


Another terrific tip is to have everyone work on songs that can be used in a sing-a-long that last week before we all take off for Winter Break.

Have you seen this free resource?


It includes the lyrics and chords to many familiar holiday songs. You can get it when you subscribe to the free resource library.

JOIN OUR FREEBIE GROUP and gain access to over 180 FREE RESOURCES like these!


TERRIFIC TIP #2 Use Creative Movement

This terrific tip will give you some breathing time during each class time.

Teach one creative movement activity to each grade level.

Use the same activity throughout the month.

By the end of the month, your students will perform it for you!

You might want to check out:

“The Turkey Lurkey”

Thanksgiving Activity Song: "The Turkey Lurkey": Actions and Literacy Activities

For more terrific tips on using creative movement in your music lessons, check out this blog post:

November Music Lessons “It’s Not Just About Turkeys”

November music class lessons

TERRIFIC TIP #3 Use Classroom Instruments

I know that when I get out the instruments behavior always improves.  I don’t give out instruments to students who can not keep inside their bubble space. So it’s a terrific time to have students work on playing skills.

Terrific tip: If you establish the behavior expectation at the beginning of the year-it will help your classes run smoothly.

How to Get Students to Gobble Up the Beat”

Music lesson ideas for November.

TERRIFIC TIP #4 Use Stations for Interactive Learning Opportunities

I wrote a lot about Music Class stations in several articles. You can find the details here:

November Music Class Stations

How to use stations in the music classroom during the month of November.

December Music Class Stations

How to create stations for your December Music Classes.

Here’s a tip I got the hard way:(

Terrific tip: Build your station activities slowly over several years. Use what’s on hand at the beginning. Test out your stations to make sure they work for your students and for you. Then make or purchase resources to support your students learning goals.

November can be a treasure filled learning experience for your students. Second quarter is so much fun with the holidays- a lot of positive energy is swirling around.  I hope these terrific tips for interactive November music class lessons will help your classroom run more smoothly and student learning soar!

Please share this post with your teacher friends!


November music class lesson ideas and terrific tips!  Learn how to make planning for November and beyond easy with these teaching tips and resource ideas.  Get Free Materials too!
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Terrific tips for your music classes in November.



Meet Sandra

Hi there!  I’m Sandra, one of the authors behind Sing Play Create.  My goal is to provide teachers with interactive resources and activities to improve the effectiveness of their teaching and enhance student learning.

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