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January music class ideas for the elementary music teacher.

January Back to School Teaching Tips



January is like the beginning of the school year so I thought I’d share my January back to school teaching tips with you. I’m including planning, management and activity ideas in this blog post.

I don’t know about you, but I dread returning Monday morning after the holiday break. Over the year’s I’ve accumulated some teacher tips that I think are essential for a smooth start to the New Year- Here’s some of my January back to school teaching tips.


Some things to consider!

Ok- It’s not the students-It’s not the teachers-It’s not the job-It’s me freaking out whether or not I’ll REALLY be ready for the whole first day. Yes, I have my power point ready with all my lessons! Yes, I have my lessons planned! Yes, I cleaned up all the Christmas and Holiday decorations! And, Yes, I have my snowman decor out–it’s just that first day trepidation of churning 150 students or more through my doors the first day back, knowing what’s lies ahead between now and the next break and it all get’s into one pile in my head and I do get a bit stressed out about it.

Maybe this isn’t you at all–maybe you don’t worry about anything! Hurrah!
If you do have some trepidation-for whatever reason-here are some teacher tips to help you out.


On the other hand, it’s tough for teachers too.  Although I try to memorize all of my students names, I need to refresh my memory too!

One thing that helps me is to be vigilant about singing our hello song at the beginning of class and then singing everyone’s names again. This helps me and then to re-connect. I take my chart with me and walk around the room and look at them as I sing their name. I tell them I want to make sure I’ve got them all right here in my brain. They smile and this helps them feel safe again in my room and welcome. I’ll also get out my winter puppets to help me.

Moreover, here’s a blog post I wrote about singing and playing names games. There’s also a FREE RESOURCE! “Play Name Games for Music Class Back to School Fun”

Find fun name games, activities and music lessons at Sing Play Create.

And, you can use puppets in your classroom to build relationships and teach concepts.  Read more about how I use puppets here: “Why I Use Puppets in Music Class”.


Although you’ve been teaching your students for half a school year, they’ve been gone for over a week.  So you may need to review the rules and procedures.

Check out this easy to learn fun song that my students sing about personal space. I just pull this out for a review once in a while.

It goes to the tune of “If You’re Happy and You Know It”:

  • Keep your hands, feet and words to yourself! Clap, Clap (repeat)
  • If you want to be NICE then follow this ADVICE.
  • Keep your hands, feet and words to yourself! Clap, Clap
  • By the way, you’ll find this easy to sing song on the Sing Play Create YouTube Channel.  Be sure to SUBSCRIBE while you’re there!

In addition, I go to my rules board and point out as I review the rules.


Maybe students can sing the rules!

Let’s sing about “Respect?”

Check out this original song “Respect” that I wrote to help students understand and show respect.

Review expectations the very first day back.



For example, one easy way to keep the mood fun and keep students engaged is to play a game.  Here’s one I play with my upper elementary students.


Ideally, I like to play some kind of game with my older students and give them a chance to share a bit about their holiday vacation.

So, I made up some fun snow themed games.  Or, Here’s a simple one you can use with a bean bag or a ball.


Have everyone sit in a circle.
Explain that everyone is going to get a turn to share something about their vacation. Ask students to come up with an idea that describes their favorite activity in 1 or 2  words. See the examples below.
Pat the steady beat on your knees.
Teacher begins with the bean bag.
Everyone chants:

Where do you go?

What do you do?

When you’re at home and not at school?

  1. Toss the bean bag to someone at the end of the chant. That person gives a 1 or 2 word answer.
  2. Here’s some fun examples:
  3. Movies
  4. Shopping
  5. Playing
  6. Video Games
  7. Talking
  8. Sleeping
  9. Eating
  10. Camping
  11. Skiing
  12. Traveling
  13. T.V.
  14. Computer
  15. Reading
  16. Crafts
  17. Coloring
  18. Drawing
  19. Building
  20. Leggos
  21. Games
  22. Cleaning
  23. Singing
  24. Practicing
  25. Working out
  26. Visiting
  27. Writing
  28. Helping

Try to keep playing the game until everyone has had a turn.

More games!

Pin me to your favorite boards!


Here are some fun winter music games you can find in my TpT store!

Winter Rhythm Game “Would You Rather” L1 Rhythm Play Along

Winter Rhythm Game "Would You Rather" L1 Rhythm Play Along Elementary music teachers can help their students practice rhythms during the cold winter months using this WINTER RHYTHM Game "Would You Rather?" Interactive and engaging beginning level rhythm game for younger students learning quarter notes and joined eighth notes. (ta and ti-ti) The narrator will give the directions and ask the questions. Students will choose their answer and then play the rhythm that matches their answer during the music. Your students will LOVE this interactive activity. K-2

Winter Rhythm Crowns, Headbands, Hats: Decoding Rhythm Activities

"Winter rhythm crowns, or headbands, or hats craft activity for music students.  Practice, decode, compose rhythms during winter music classes and studio or private lessons.  Music students will enjoy the games and activities.
A fun way to interact with each other and practice rhythms at the same time during holiday music activities."

Winter Rhythm Game “Toss The Snowballs” Rhythms K-6 Levels

Elementary music teachers! Are you ready to play an exciting and fast paced game to practice rhythms? "Toss the Snowballs" is an interactive game to help students say and play rhythm patterns. This game is easily adapted to all grade levels. It's a print and go activity that you can use that first week right after the holiday break or any time of year. This game has adaptations for playing rhythms using body percussion and instruments too! This game can be played with your whole class or in small groups for a wonderful WINTER music activity.


On the other hand, most of all I think it’s important to connect with students again by making them feel like they want to come to the music room. You may feel a bit scattered or wishing you were still home in your P.J.’s, but if you do these things-then it will help you too get back into the swing of teaching.

In other words, it’s okay to go slow, or take your time getting through that first round of lessons again.  Playing the games, singing a song and reviewing rules will give everyone a chance to get back into the “groove” of music class.

Elementary music class classroom game song to build classroom community. Easy to learn and play name game. "Johnny Plays the Drum Beat" is perfect for back to school and after winter break classroom meetings, music class, and preschool drumming and circle activities. Best for PreK and Primary music classes.

Looking for the January Music Class Free Resources?

Download this FREE MUSIC LESSON when you subscribe to the Sing Play Create Resource Library.



Winter Rhythm Activities LEVEL 1 : Compose and Rhythm Play Along Activities

Looking Winter Rhythm activities for your Kinder and First grade classes? Level 1 Winter Rhythm Activities includes Video, teaching presentation and google slides activities.
Winter and January elementary LEVEL 1 music rhythm activities with drag and drop google slides, digital images for online and in person music class lessons. These activities are interactive and engaging as well a s seasonally friendly for January elementary music lessons.

Winter and January elementary LEVEL 1 music rhythm activities with drag and drop google slides, digital images for online and in person music class lessons. These activities are interactive and engaging as well a s seasonally friendly for January elementary music lessons. SING PLAY CREATE

January Winter Music Lesson Bundle of Music Activities K-6

Don’t feel snowed under in January! Get the winter music lesson bundle with interactive activities for your K-6 elementary music classes.

You can easily get all of your elementary music lessons and activities for K-6 grade levels in this winter themed music lesson packet.

Sing and play your way easily through January Music Class with this 305 page bundle of Kodaly and Orff lessons, songs, games, activities and worksheets. Original and Fun with Video, Animations, Vocal and Karaoke Mp3 tracks now included with the songs for easy teaching. K-6!

Elementary Music Teachers-Don't feel snowed under in January!  Get the winter music lesson bundle with interactive activities for your K-6 elementary music classes.

 You can easily get all of your elementary music lessons and activities for K-6 grade levels in this winter themed music lesson packet.  

Sing and play your way easily through January Music Class with this 305 page bundle of Kodaly and Orff lessons, songs, games, activities and worksheets. Original and Fun with Video, Animations, Vocal and Karaoke Mp3 tracks now included with the songs for easy teaching. K-6! SING PLAY CREATE


Here’s hoping you glide right back into teaching in January!

Sandra from Sing Play Create

Please share this post with your friends!

January teaching tips for the elementary music education classroom. Kickstart the new year with these fun lessons and management ideas. SING PLAY CREATE
January teaching tips for the elementary music education classroom. Kickstart the new year with these fun lessons and management ideas. SING PLAY CREATE



Meet Sandra

Hi there!  I’m Sandra, one of the authors behind Sing Play Create.  My goal is to provide teachers with interactive resources and activities to improve the effectiveness of their teaching and enhance student learning.

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