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Scarf Movement Activity “Let’s Bounce It!” Video, Presentation, Music

Bounce your scarves high/low, fast/slow, long/short! Toss them high and wave them low. Students will love the upbeat song and video to help them exercise and develop gross motor muscles and skills. Scarf movement activities can help students make connections to concepts, provide brain breaks and help keep students focused on learning.



Product Description

Scarf Movement Activity for children. Bounce your scarves high/low, fast/slow, long/short! Toss them high and wave them low. Students will love the upbeat song and video to help them exercise and develop gross motor muscles and skills. Scarf movement activities can help students make connections to concepts, provide brain breaks and help keep students focused on learning.

* All Videos and Presentation are Easily uploaded and usable in Google Classroom or other Digital Learning Scenarios. Feel Free to email me with questions. [email protected]

*Please watch the preview video for a sample of the music. The preview quality is less than the resources.


• General Scarf Movement Directions

• Scarf Movement Activity Directions

• Rules for Scarf Movements

• 5 Story pages


• Lyrics and Actions

• Power Point Presentation

• Scarf Movement Activity Directions

• How to Create a Slide Show

• Mp3 Tracks

• Scarf Movement Action Video


Help your preschool and primary students with scarf movement activities to exercise and develop their gross motor muscles.

Use the scarf movement presentation and movements to compliment your music lessons when teaching HIGH/LOW, FAST/SLOW, SHORT/LONG DURATION. **This is a DIGITAL DOWNLOAD. No physical items will be mailed to you.** After purchase you will receive an email receipt with a link to download your purchase. You will receive a text file with the download link. The text file will have a LINK to your resource. You will open the text file and copy paste the LINK in your browser which will start the download. If you have any problems with the download. Please email us and we will get you the resource.Questions? Email [email protected]

Scarf Movement Activity “Let’s Bounce It!” Video, Presentation, Music
