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Music Steady Beat and Rhythm Charts, Cards, Activities L1: St. Patrick’s Day

St. Patrick’s Day steady beat and rhythm activities for Kindergarten and First Grade music classes. Interactive activities to read, play and create rhythms.

St. Patrick's Day steady beat and rhythm activities for Kindergarten and First Grade music classes. Interactive activities to read, play and create rhythms.



Product Description

Music Steady Beat and Rhythm Charts, Cards, Activities L1: St. Patrick’s Day

St. Patrick’s Day steady beat and rhythm activities for Kindergarten and First Grade music classes. Why not let your students find the “gold” in these interactive activities that come complete with steady beat charts, rhythm cards and elementary music activities. Diversify your teaching and engage your students with these steady beat charts, posters, cards and music class activities. Manipulatives are a great way to engage students in learning, practicing and creating beat and rhythm patterns.

These steady beat and rhythm charts, posters, flash cards will give your elementary music students something to get excited about! Perfect for small groups and centers/stations and extension activities. Use the materials with your other lessons like; tap the beat on the beat chars, practice and create rhythm patterns, There are tons of interactive opportunities to read, say, play and create rhythms using these beat and rhythm activities. K-2 Grades

Steady Beat
Quarter Note
Joined Eighth Notes
Quarter Rest
Say and Play Rhythms
Create Rhythm Patterns
Play the Steady Beat

Full page 16 beat charts in color and B/W (2)
Full page 8 beat charts in color and B/W
Half page 4 beat charts (2 on each page) in color and B/W
2 beat posters and flash cards with icons in color and B/W
4 quarter note posters and flash cards
5 eighth note posters and flash cards
1 quarter rest posters and flash card
2 beat rhythm posters and flashcards with rhythms and phrases: 2 quarter notes, eighth notes +quarter, quarter + eighth notes, joined eighth notes also in color and black and white.
Total of 17 different rhythm posters and flash cards

1 BEAT AND 2 BEAT RHYTHMS: See the Preview for examples.

Music stations and centers.
Whole class activities.
Fill up your SUB TUB.
Private piano lessons.

Let’s get the steady beat going in music class with these cute Steady Beat Charts. Steady Beat activities and tips included too! These steady beat charts can be used with any song and provide a variety of learning experiences practicing the steady beat.
Students can tap, color, sing or chant with these charts. Versions included are full page sizes in 8 beats and 16 beats, and pocket size cards with 4 beats. Use these steady beat charts any time of year in your elementary music classroom.

Use each activity in a station or center.
Use the activities as a whole class or in small groups.
Use the activities to assess student ability.
Use the activities as a SUB PLAN.

::: I N S T A N T ♥ D O W N L O A D :::
**This is a DIGITAL DOWNLOAD. No physical items will be mailed to you.** After purchase you will receive an email receipt from Sing Play Create with a link to download your purchase. You can also download your files from the “Purchases ” section of your profile.  If you have any problems with the download. Please email us and we will get you the resource. We do recommend printing on heavy cardstock and laminating for durability.

Email sandra@singplaycreate


St. Patrick's Day steady beat and rhythm activities for Kindergarten and First Grade music classes. Interactive activities to read, play and create rhythms.

Music Steady Beat and Rhythm Charts, Cards, Activities L1: St. Patrick’s Day
