Halloween Songs and Activities for Kindergarten
Halloween Songs and Activities for Kindergarteners, Preschool and Elementary aged children.
Easy to Teach Line Up Songs and Chants
Easy to teach line up songs and chants for preschool, kindergarten, first and second grade teachers. Sing Play Create Educational Materials
10 Favorite First Day K-2 Elementary Music Activities
Are you ready for a successful back to school? I’m sharing my 10 favorite back to school activities for grades K-2 in this blog post. Watch the video for a more detailed demonstration of the songs and activities.
Beginner Ukulele Lesson to Learn C Chord
Ukulele lesson “Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star” with teaching tips and strategies to help you learn how to play the ukulele. Get the teaching ideas, video songs and tips. We’ll learn C-F-G7 in this easy to follow along tutorial.. LEARN MORE
Ukulele Lesson “Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star”
Ukulele lesson “Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star” with teaching tips and strategies to help you learn how to play the ukulele. Get the teaching ideas, video songs and tips. We’ll learn C-F-G7 in this easy to follow along tutorial.. LEARN MORE
Preschool Learning Songs
Preschool learning songs for children about the alphabet, manners, the months of the year, days of the week, how to count, and the seasons.
Ukulele Lesson “1-2-3-4-5 Once I Caught a Fish Alive”
Ukulele lesson for 1-2-3-4-5 Once I Caught a Fish Alive” with teaching tips and strategies to help you learn how to play the ukulele. Get the teaching ideas, video songs and tips.
Ocean Themed Music Activities
Let’s take dive into ocean themed music activities for Preschool through elementary ages. Ocean music activities to teach beat, rhythm, singing, playing instruments.
Get lesson ideas and format along with the activities in this useful blog post.
Sing a Song
Scarf Movement
Rhythm Activity with Instruments
Ocean Freeze Dance
Coloring Activity
Ukulele Lesson “If I Had a Chicken”
Ukulele lesson for kids and teaching tips and strategies to help you learn how to play the ukulele. Get the teaching ideas, video songs and tips.