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Elementary Music Halloween Lesson Plans



Easy elementary music Halloween lesson plans for PreK-5th grade music classes. Lesson plans are designed to help students learn music concepts through singing, moving and playing instrument activities. Each lesson plan has opportunities to sing, play, move and create.


This video explains 5 rhythm games you can use throughout the school year using any rhythm cards. If you join our FREEBIE GROUP you can get all the thematic freebie cards you need for these games.

Next, we’ll practice rhythms using the Halloween Rhythm Play Along Rhythm Sticks & Shakers (Sing Play Create TpT Store) 

Students can use the google slides for more practice. Divide the class in half and take turns creating and playing rhythms.

Next, you can Play Rhythm Games (Sing Play Create Freebie), or do a music lesson.

“Skin and Bones” Music Lesson and Play barred instruments (Sing Play Create TpT Store)

Or use these popular Spooky Rhythm Chants Rondo Activity (Sing Play Create TpT Store)


Each of the Halloween Music lesson plans can last for 30-40 minutes. They are also easily adaptable across grade levels.

The activities are available in the Sing Play Create Free Resource Library, TpT store, Web Shop and Sing Play Create YouTube channel.

The lesson plans are designed to keep student engagement high by diversifying the activities throughout the class time.

These lessons can be used over several classes too! The first class can be an introduction to the materials and the 2nd and 3rd classes can offer more practice and playing of instrument activities.

The movement activities provide a brain break for students to move around.

Be sure to get all of the FREE RESOURCES for these activities and SUBSCRIBE to the Sing Play Create YouTube Channel.


LEARNING GOALS: Vocal exploration, Steady Beat, Sing and Move, Express through Movement

Halloween Vocal Explorations (Sing Play Create TpT Store)

First we’ll warm up our voices with some Halloween vocal explorations with “ghostly” sounds in a minor key.

Students sing like the monsters in this unique vocal activity with short vocalization songs on “ghostly” vowels. Resource comes with an animated power point, graphics and sound files.

Halloween vocal explorations 0420

Next we’ll sing a song and do the hand actions to this familiar Halloween song.

Sing a Song- “Five Little Pumpkins” (Sing Play Create Freebie & Spotify/Apple Music)

Then we’ll do a steady beat movement Warm Up-Halloween Body Percussion (Sing Play Create YouTube Video)

Next I’ll have the students pretend to make a wickedly delicious brew using this fun favorite Halloween Game Song “Stirring My Brew”  (Sing Play Create YouTube Video)

We stand in a circle for this one. Each student takes a turn in the middle pretending to be the witch. Students can pretend to be any Halloween character they want to be as the witch stirs the brew.

When they sing “I’ll catch you!” the witch spins and points to someone and they become the next witch.

Then it’s time for a fun movement activity. I like the students to sing along and move with the video. You may want to review the story and actions before doing the activity. “We’re Going on a Monster Hunt” (Sing Play Create YouTube Video)

I’ve left the scarf movement for the end so that you can make it longer or shorter as needed. Halloween Scarf Movement (Sing Play Create YouTube Video)

Also, you can do a calming down scarf activity so students are ready to transition back to the classroom.

You can use this slow and quiet song at the end of the scarf activity. As students put their scarves away encourage them to sing the song and move slowly and even sit down as the song ends.


The Preschool lesson plan can also be used for Kindergarten. For the sake of streamlining activities in the general music classroom, I’ve put K-1 together.

LEARNING GOALS: Vocal exploration, Call & Response Form, Steady Beat, Rhythm Level 1, Sing and Move, Express Dynamics through Movement

Halloween Vocal Explorations (Sing Play Create TpT Store)

First we’ll warm up our voices with some Halloween vocal explorations with “ghostly” sounds in a minor key.

Next I have the students sing the “Five Little Pumpkins” song and focus on CALL & RESPONSE learning goals.

Sing a Song- “Five Little Pumpkins” (Sing Play Create Freebie & Spotify/Apple Music)

Students can sing along with the recording or you, learn to be the echo or response part.

On the second and/or 3rd classes, they can sing and respond to each other. I divide the class in half and have each group face each other so they can see the other team. They enjoy singing it this way. Then I switch the parts.

This lesson is available in the Sing Play Create resource library. You can use the other elements of the lesson too.

You may want to include a scarf movement for this song. That is a different freebie and I give detailed directions for ‘Five Little Pumpkins’ scarf movement in this video.

We’ll warm up our bodies and do a steady beat review using Halloween Body Percussion (Sing Play Create YouTube Video)

Now we can sit down and work on some Halloween rhythms. Ta and ti-ti, rhythms.

I adapt the activity for Kindergarten. If they are new to playing rhythms, then pause the video and play it for them. Have them play it back to you. Then you can have them play along with the video.

Another option is to have them play the steady beat during the video. I use drums for this activity.

I’ll use rhythm sticks for first grades.

Halloween Rhythm Play Along Rhythm Sticks & Shakers (Sing Play Create TpT Store)

It's a Halloween Rhythm Play Along Video and tons of other “treats” in this set of Halloween Rhythm activities! Practice and play rhythms for a "spooky" good time in your elementary music class. Level 1 Halloween Rhythm Activities includes tons of interactive materials to teach your younger elementary music students the quarter note, eighth note. The Halloween themed play along rhythm video, teaching presentation, flash cards and google slides activities provide diverse learning opportunities for your students to have fun learning rhythms. This Halloween Rhythm L1 set of activities and materials will keep your classes from getting too scary! Great for whole class and Stations! PreK-2nd Grade

Then it’s time to sing again and put our learning skills into action.

You can use the “Stirring My Brew” game, or use this Halloween chant.

This bundle of HALLOWEEN MUSIC LESSONS can help you with K-3rd grades. These activities are easily adaptable to cross teach in K-3rd grades.

For first grade I recommend “Pumpkin, Pumpkin” rhythm chant. or “The Black Cat” rhythm game.

After students sing and play rhythms, they will be ready for a scarf movement.

You can use the scarf video listed above, or download the free “Danse Macabre” scarf activity.

I give detailed directions for ‘Danse Macabre’ scarf movement in this video.


LEARNING GOALS: Vocal exploration, Rhythm Level 1 & 2 (half notes, quarter note, quarter rest, eighth notes, sixteenth notes), Sing and Move, Express Dynamics through Singing & Movement

The 2nd and 3rd grade lesson plan is similar to K-1 except we’re going to dive deeper into the rhythms and use some different movement activities.

Again, I’ll start the lesson with Halloween Vocal Explorations (Sing Play Create TpT Store)

Then we’ll sing a different song. I’ll focus on students staying on pitch with those intervals and some dynamics, like getting louder through the song and then softer at the end.

Sing a Song- “Have You Seen the Ghost of John?” 

We can play the conductor game using this song. Students become the conductor and change the loud/soft dynamic using a scarf. Waving big is loud and waving or wiggling is soft.

Student definitely love this game.

Halloween Rhythm Play Along Rhythm Sticks & Shakers (Sing Play Create TpT Store)

or the Mixed levels play along.

Halloween Rhythm Activities: Mixed Levels, Google Slides, Video

After practicing playing rhythms, there’s several different activities to choose from depending on your students and your teaching needs.

One activity can be to play rhythm games using spooky Halloween music and the Halloween rhythm freebie download.

Play Rhythm Games (Sing Play Create Freebie)

Or use one of the lessons like “OLD MOTHER WITCH” and “PUMPKIN, PUMPKIN” to review pitch and rhythm and play games.

Or, you may have time for all three activities.

For “OLD MOTHER WITCH” I set up the instruments around the outside of the circle. Students rotate in and out of playing the game and playing instruments. This works especially well in the 2nd and 3rd grades.

Halloween Music Lesson: ""Old Mother Witch"" Song, Game, Worksheets
 Sing Play Create

Now it’s time for a fun movement activity!

Zombie Freeze Dance (Sing Play Create YouTube Channel)


Halloween Freeze Dance

Then we’ll do the dynamics activity for Scarf Movement “Danse Macabre” (Sing Play Create Freebie)

You can watch the tutorial in the video link above.

I like doing the “Danse Macabre” lesson at the end of class because all the characters go back to their graves and are very quiet as the rooster crows.

It’s a nice transition to ending class.


LEARNING GOALS: Rhythm Level All (whole notes, half notes, quarter note, quarter rest, eighth notes, sixteenth notes), Sing and Move, Express Dynamics through Singing & Movement

First we’ll warm up our voices using a Halloween song. You can use Sing a Song- “Have You Seen the Ghost of John?” 

Or, check out this bundle of Halloween songs that are perfect for upper elementary ages. “Let Me Out” is a round which 4th and 5th grades will love.

I’ve found that upper elementary like to play games and interact in smaller groups.

You’ll want to download the FREE RHYTHM CARDS to play these games.

Or, Sing and Play Instruments to

“There Was an Old Witch Who Stirred a Brew” (Sing Play Create Freebie & Youtube Video) The freebie comes with activities for movement and playing instruments. DOWNLOAD THE FREEBIE WHEN YOU SUBSCRIBE.

Or, you can download the Free Halloween program script and Read a Halloween Music Program Script

Halloween Sing Along (Sing Play Create Freebie) available in the free resource library.

There’s more activities listed here than you can use in a 30-40 minute class.

I wanted to give you ample options for this challenging age group.




These blog posts are packed with ideas for your music and movement classes.

Be sure to join our FREEBIE GROUP and get access to over 100 FREE RESOURCES.

If you use our easy to do Halloween music and movement lesson plans, please share a pic with us on Instagram or Facebook.

Thanks for reading this post!

Sandra from Sing Play Create

Please share with your teacher friends.

Easy elementary music Halloween lesson plans for PreK-5th grade music classes.  These lesson plans help students learn music concepts.  Sing Play Create Blog Post
Easy elementary music Halloween lesson plans for PreK-5th grade music classes.  These lesson plans help students learn music concepts.  Sing Play Create Blog Post



Meet Sandra

Hi there!  I’m Sandra, one of the authors behind Sing Play Create.  My goal is to provide teachers with interactive resources and activities to improve the effectiveness of their teaching and enhance student learning.

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