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March is music month and elementary music teachers are celebrating music in our schools month. MIOSM Grab these easy music class lesson ideas on how you can support music in our schools month. www.singplaycreate.com

Easy March Music Class Lesson Ideas


Easy March Music Class Lesson Ideas for music in our schools month are just ahead in this blog post. Sometimes you just need a quick and easy lesson to use with multiple grades. I like to use visuals because over 70% of students relate better to a graphic or an object during a lesson. I don’t always have time to print and laminate things-so the dollar store is my best friend. I also like to take easy to use visuals to my traveling school. March can be a busy month with spring break right down the middle, so I’m sharing some easy to use March Music Class Lesson Ideas for March is music month in our schools.


Not everyone has time to purchase, print, laminate and cut materials. The SOLUTION? I took a trip to the dollar store and found some cute March Irish graphics that I used throughout the month of March in my music class lessons and for March is music month in our schools..


I used the different sized hats to make a rhythm pyramid. I left it on the board to use for those few minutes at the end of class, as part of the lesson,  or as a brain break activity. I made a pyramid using these cute hats and wrote note values on them. This way my students could see SIZE and VALUE easily! 
My students really liked the happy leprechauns and got in the spirit of our Irish dancing unit. I keep visuals on the board so I can use them during the lessons, transition activities, centers/stations and to fill in a few minutes of teaching if needed.
Visuals are really helpful! They are great to have on the board all the time so that I don’t have to scramble to find something fast. In the music classroom, you need to be ready for just about any teaching situation and these types of activities on the board have saved me many times.
By the way- Picture a principal walking in unexpectedly and you just happen to be standing in line waiting for the teacher.  You can turn to the board and do a quick activity while waiting! Keep the learning going!


I like to use body movements to show the note values.  I have the students brainstorm ideas about how to show a long note-whole note, half notes and quarter notes using their bodies. Although there are smaller hats-I’ll ask students to show me eighth notes and we’ll draw the hats on the board together-or I might have time to cut them out of paper and make some to use every year.

Hello Laddies and Lassies!
I purchased the hat and cute necklace for students to use during our game songs.
I also purchased foam four leaf clovers which students use in activity with popsicle sticks. They lay out four shamrocks and then create rhythm patterns to fit in the four beats. This lesson works well after using the pyramid visual and activity. Then we’ll do a dance.


March is music in our schools month and it’s hard to come up with different ideas every year. One year I did this super easy activity. I just posted some butcher paper on the front of my door so that it was visible to everyone who walked by. GOOD IDEA! I was able to publicize music in our schools month and also that I was getting a lot of student engagement. I asked students to write thoughts about Music in our school. I love to see what they write about and I’ll share some of the creative ideas during music class. 
Here’s another GOOD IDEA! on how to celebrate March is music in our schools month. We began the March is Music in our schools Month this week with an empty piece of paper. I’ve been brainstorming with the kids using a circle map on the board for some creative answers. I’ve gotten the standard, we learn Rhythm, Melody, play instruments, dance-answers and have been trying to get ideas that go beyond the basics of “what we learn” to “why music is important”. Finally today with my last class I got some great insights by my 3rd graders. You can see my notes below.
The one little boy, who said, “it helps us share our feelings”–oh am I so proud of him.  He’s new to our school by just a month. He was so animated and enthusiastic in class that I told him he should be in our chorus.  I contacted his mom and she was so surprised. “He’s shy”, she said.  “Not in music class,” I answered. She pulled me aside just the other day to thank me. She said that it’s been so wonderful for him to make some friends and connect at school. I am a bit overwhelmed by the experience…yes, tears…he’s just adorable and when he raised his hand to answer my question today in class, I wanted to run over and hug him to death. He’d expressed my deepest feelings–yes, it’s the emotions that we share that make music so important.
Another comment that I didn’t photograph was, “we learn about people from all over the world”.
I’ve never done this type of activity with my students before–and I can’t tell you the joy it brought to my heart to know that my kids–even 3rd grades–get it. They get why music is so important in our schools. They get the importance of the way music brings us all together. Doesn’t it?  For me it does. It’s the reason I compose songs and the reason I want to sing. I want to touch other’s with that emotion–I want to share with someone.
Here’ how the poster is looking on Tuesday.


Love to sing? GOOD IDEA! March is music in our schools month is the perfect time to SING! You’ll want to grab these 3 easy to learn songs from the TPT Sing Play Create Store! (Just click on the Picture and it will take you right to the FREE RESOURCE)  While you’re there- you’ll want to click the little green star that says “Follow Me” so that you get an email when there’s a sale and when I’ve got new resources posted at 1/2 off! 
You can grab this FREE SONG HERE! 
“I Need Music in My School”
Students love to write poems. Try this one with your upper elementary students. Write the poem and then putt rhythms to the words.
Finally, students can create rhythmic or melodic phrases. Combine the classes creations into one composition for an MIOSM celebrations. 
By the way, you want to check out more of the free MIOSM resources at the Sing Play Create Teachers Pay Teachers store.
Remember- You’ve now got 4 Easy and FREE Lesson to use during March Music Class Lesson for March is music month in our schools.
Here’s to celebrating MIOSM making music and not sweating the lesson plans! 

Looking for March Music Class resources?

I hope you’ll check out my ST. Patrick’s Day game songs, or at least take a trip to the dollar store and get some fun GREEN decor!
St. Patrick's Day Game Song
Here’s hoping your March is Music in Our Schools Month lessons are effective and fun!
Please share these ideas with your music teacher friends!
Easy March music class lessons for your elementary music classroom.         Play drums, dance and sing, Celebrate MIOSM with these Easy Music Class Lessons.



Meet Sandra

Hi there!  I’m Sandra, one of the authors behind Sing Play Create.  My goal is to provide teachers with interactive resources and activities to improve the effectiveness of their teaching and enhance student learning.

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