It’s the time of year when I like to get everyone engaged through activities. That can be game songs, circle games and hand clapping partner activities.
So I’m sharing some ideas with you about things I’ve done and I’ve got a surprise too!
My guitar students are writing new lyrics to their favorite folk song or nursery rhyme. I then teach my Kinders and First graders the traditional songs. Then we get together for a sing-a-long. The students really enjoy singing for each other and it gives my sixth graders a nice end of year closing activity.
I combined a partner activity with one of the songs. Here’s how it went:
Learning Goals:
Play the Steady Beat.
Sing and Play the Steady Beat.
Play the Steady Beat with a Partner.
Create movement pattern for the Steady Beat .
Kindergarten Music Standards
Supports the National Music Standards (MU:Cr1.1.K)
a)With guidance, explore and experience music concepts (such as beat and melodic contour ).
b)With guidance, generate musical ideas (such as movements or motives)
You can find familiar songs and Nursery Rhymes at
Song: “Yankee Doodle” or other Nursery Rhyme
Students need to be in two circles. Students will be facing each other. The inner circle will rotate through each person in the outer circle. If you do not have even numbers you will need to participate or adapt the activity for “3” instead of “2”.
Actions: Pat-Clap on the Steady Beat.
Students sit down and pat-clap on the steady beat as they practice singing the song.
Then have students stand up and practice again.
Next-substitute the “clap” for a “pat hands with partner”.
When I first do this the Kindergartners giggle. I teach them to be nice and demonstrate “nice” patting. If a student is not “nice”, I have them watch for a couple of minutes and encourage them to try again. I also explain the difference between “hitting” and “patting”. “How would we “pat” a kitty? or a puppy? This helps students understand your expectations.
Next-ask all of the students in the outside circle to sit down. Students on the inside remain standing. I ask them to hold hands and tell them that we are going to move so that they will have a new partner. We will only move one step so that we face the next person in the circle. I then ask the inner circle to move one person over going clockwise-right. I will help them so that they “get it”. Then we practice again. Usually they will get it after two or three tries.
Next- I ask the outer circle to stand.
I remind the outer circle that they will not move-but they will get a new partner every time we sing the song.
Now the fun begins as we sing, pat and hand-pat together.
At the end of the song I ask the inner circle to move one step over. Sometimes I have to help them-but that’s okay! We are here to learn! I tell them this often.
We repeat the song until the students are back to their original partner.
My students LOVE, LOVE, LOVE these activities. They are so excited when they get back to their original partner.
Playing these kinds of partner activities builds a respectful classroom community. Everyone has to “partner” up with everyone else. We’re not playing favorites or just with our friends. We are building a community of music learners.
This activity is very adaptable to older grades.
Instead of pat and hand-pat, ask students to play some of these combinations:
pat (knees)
clap hands together
pat (knees)
pat partner hands
pat (knees)
clap hands together
pat (knees)
clap hands together
pat (knees)
clap hands together
right hand to partner right hand
clap hands
left hand to partner left hand
clap hands
hands together
clap hands
pat (knees)
clap hands together
right hand to partner left hand (vertical)
clap hands
left hand to partner right hand
clap hands
hands together
clap hands
Ask students to CREATE their own. Use this printable and ask students to create their own 8 beat pattern. Ask them to practice and prepare to teach. Give each student a chance to share their 8 beat pattern with the class.
I hope you’ll share some of your favorite activities for Spring!