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Ten T-Shirts for Music Teachers that Will ROCK your CLASS


This might seem a little bit random, –but I got thinking about VISUALS and wondered if it’d make a difference if I was wearing the CONCEPT or BIG IDEA I was trying to teach….It might seem crazy to think that my students would learn something better if I had the concept and maybe a cute graphic to go with it. So I thought I’d do a search on some T-shirts that have important Musical Concepts on them or had inspirational and true statement.  I’m not necessarily a big t-shirt fan but here’s one I made from the graphics I created.  It’s pretty cute and if nothing else will remind me about my SUPER POWER.
T-Shirt #1
Music Teachers T-Shirt "What's Your Super Power?"
View other Music T-Shirts
T-Shirt #2
I can see this as an ice breaker and a great teaching tool too.  Not that you’d point to your shirt–but if you were teaching Dynamics I can hear a Kindergartner shouting, “Hey, look, it’s on your shirt!” And you could smile and get a little kick out of that!

"What's Your Dynamic?" Music T-Shirt

This one is ORGANIC and pretty CUTE–it only comes in Kid’s sizes though..I really like it-it’s more my style shirt. It would go nicely with “CUCKOO” or “BLUE BIRD, BLUEBIRD”.
T-Shirt #3
NEW! Sweet Songs Kids Organic Cotton T-Shirt
T-Shirt #4
I recently made this FREEBIE POSTER into a t-shirt too.

T-Shirt #5

Next year I’m going to go with a ROCK STAR THEME–just think if I wore this the first day of school…would that help with classroom management?
Gold Rockstar Magic Motivating Music T-Shirt

T-Shirt #6
Or, how about this shirt the day I’m teaching the BASS CLEF?
Bass Clef lime green Tshirt

T-Shirt #7

Well, I guess this one is self-explanatory–to a Music Teacher!
That's a Sharp. Not a Hashtag. Tee Shirt
Zazzle Music Sharp Shirt Link Here

T-Shirt #8
Maybe this one for teaching Music Symbols?
Musical Notes Music Shirt

T-Shirt #9
Not that I’d actually wear this–or say it, but you have to admit–it does get the message across!
Shut Up Funny Music Women's Dark T-Shirt

T-Shirt #10
I just think this one is pretty!
Music expressions  T-Shirt gift

It might be fun to try an experiment in your classes and just see the kind of response you get from your students when you wear a MUSIC t-shirt-or not. I’d love to hear about your experiences.  By the way….I am not receiving any kickback for the T-shirts that were not created by me. I just found them and thought they worked well with this blog post. Have fun this summer in your Tees! For my graphic T-Shirts check out my ZAZZLE STORE SANDRAHCREATIONS



Meet Sandra

Hi there!  I’m Sandra, one of the authors behind Sing Play Create.  My goal is to provide teachers with interactive resources and activities to improve the effectiveness of their teaching and enhance student learning.

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