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Free Music Class Back to School Song



Hey, I don’t know if you feel like I do. But having that long teacher summer vacation, sometimes it’s hard for me to transition back to school. I’ve had a great summer too! I’ve been writing more songs and working on my video skills so that I can bring you more resources that you can use in google classroom and in your other teacher apps. I also love to travel to visit my family and reconnect with them in cooler weather than Arizona. I’m not sure if you have the same feelings as I do. I LOVE teaching music! But- I also LOVE having the summer time off! I got to thinking that some of the students might have the same feelings and a song came to me. (of course) “I’ve Got the Back to School Blues”. I think it’s perfect for upper elementary music class students. And I’ve decided I’m going to use this song in my classroom for my third through 6th graders. I’ll be asking them to echo sing.



I’ve posted it on my YouTube Channel and you’ll find that the lyrics are in the video too. That way it’s easy to use in your classroom. “I’ve Got the Back to School Blues” YouTube Link. And If you’d like a copy of the lead sheet with melody and chords.  You can get the FULL RESOURCE BY CLICKING THIS GRAPHIC and it will take you to the Sing Play Create Store at TeachersPayTeachers.com. 

I wish you the best back to school year ever! I’m hoping that after I get some laughs from this song, the back to school blues will go away! Let me know if you feel the same- and what ways you might use to get over the blues!

And, if you’re looking for some fresh and creative ideas, you might want to read:

5 Tips for an Amazing Back to School Music Class.  or

How to Energize a Music Curriculum with Creative Materials

Thanks for stopping by!



Meet Sandra

Hi there!  I’m Sandra, one of the authors behind Sing Play Create.  My goal is to provide teachers with interactive resources and activities to improve the effectiveness of their teaching and enhance student learning.

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